
- 透過循序漸進之藝術專業課程,來促進學生創意力之啟發、視覺思考力之增進、美感力之養成。
- 以扎實藝術創作能力為底蘊,佐以藝術理論深入探究,漸次引導學生朝向專業藝術創作、媒體創意應用兩大領域進行深造,提供藝術 專案執行訓練課程,培養學生藝術整合專業能力。
- 提供跨領域創意應用,與職前準備系列課程,以開拓藝術領域產學合作契機,鼓勵學生進行專業實習,並協助學生進行職涯規劃,以 強化學生進入職場的競爭力。
- 提供跨域藝術治療與藝術教育專業橋接課程,為學生將來進一步完成師資培訓成為專業藝術教師、或繼續就讀本系藝術治療碩士班, 以取得專業藝術治療師證書而準備。
- 視覺藝術創作表現之能力
- 藝術史和藝術理論之知識與研究能力
- 媒體設計與創新運用之能力
- 活用藝術於生活和跨域結合之能力
- 藝術專案策劃與統籌執行之能力
藝術創作人才(專業藝術家、藝術工作室、公共藝術專案承接)/ 媒體創新應用人才(視覺設計師、文化創意產業工作者、互動媒體設計師、藝術展演活動專案執行)/ 藝術教育人才(學校視覺藝術教師、社會教育視覺藝術教師、專業畫室教師、美術館教育服務專業人員)/ 藝術行政專業人才(藝術行政、藝術評論、藝術仲介與服務、策展工程專業、公眾藝術推廣)
Department of Visual Arts, University of Taipei, was founded in 1988, of which the predecessors were Zhisanyan Japanese School of 1895, Municipal School , and Women’s Municipal College . The Department has numerous outstanding alumni, such as Huang Tushui, Chen Chengpo, Liao Jichun, Li Shiqiao, Li Meishu, and Guo Bochuan, who made great contributions to the visual arts in . The history of the Department is more than one hundred years, and the Department provides numerous links to visual arts sources in . In addition, the Department has long focused on cultivating school teachers of fine arts, and many of them teach all over Taiwan.

In order to catch up with the current trends of the world, the Department has adjusted its development goals. The undergraduate program aims at cultivating outstanding artists by integrating studio creation with art theory. The Department offers courses in six areas of concentration: painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, new media and art theory. The Department not only dedicates in training students’ artistic creation but also encourages students’ creative potentials, so that the students will develop competence in diversity in art creation.
Established in 1997, the Graduate Program is divided into two groups, studio art-major and theory-major. The Graduate Program aims at cultivating distinguished artists and academic research fellows. According to their interest and career plans, the studio art-major graduate students endeavor to pursue artistic creation, and then apply the artistic creation to cultural creativity industries. The theory-major graduate students undertake to study advanced art history and relevant art theory, and then engage in art management or pursue academic studies in art history. Since1999, the Graduate Program of Continuing Education has been set up to provide the school teachers with the opportunities of professional development.
The Department takes up the responsibilities for visual art education and arts promotion. The Department not only offers diversity in courses, but also encourages diversity in visual thinking, to cultivate outstanding artists and academic research fellows. Moreover, the Department catches up with the current trends of the world and enlarges the scope of international vision to assist students in developing competence in the complex environments and in developing diversity in art creativity.